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C o m e & s e e

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jer 29: 11 

“From the time when the Gospel was first proclaimed right up to our time, a very large number of men and women have given their personal response, their free and deliberate response, to the call of Christ. They have chosen the priesthood, the religious life, life in the Missions, as the reason for and the ideal of existence. They have served the People of God and humanity, with faith, intelligence, courage and love. Now it is time for you. It is up to you to respond.”

Saint John Paul II

(Message to young people, 6th January 1979)

If you are a young single woman, between 18-35 years old, discerning a vocation, you would be most welcome to come and see what life is like here.

Why did I come to live with nuns?

-Testimony of a visitor

Are you scared of hearing the words “vocation”, “discernment”, “religious life”? Are you tired of guessing what God is calling you to do? I had been dealing with those fears and concerns for the last few years until one day I decided to come and live with these nuns. How much I wish I could have done it earlier. By discovering religious life we have a chance to get to know ourselves and God better. What can be better than building your daily life around prayer? Living in a convent helps me to be more disciplined, develop my skills and gifts, love the ones I live with, live in community, and above all receive endless grace from God and be blessed by my sisters. If you just try you can experience the peace and understanding of what God is inviting you to, and wherever this path leads to it is always a very exciting adventure and journey.